The record is out

The record is out.

Our 4th studio album.

We worked on these songs for literally years and labored and obsessed so it’s a strange feeling to have it out of our heads and hands and into yours. we arrived at this point after the pandemic with so many demos and not enough time, so we selected our favorites and brought them together into something eclectic, but special.

The title is a line from zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, about not needing to find words for everything all the time.

On that note, we’ll finish up this post and let the album do the talking. It’s out on Bandcamp, streaming services, CD - and predictably, the LPs will ship at the end of the month.

Thanks for listening.

Order Limited Edition Vinyl
Order CD
Order T-Shirt + CD Bundle
listen to smw on spotify
listen to smw on bandcamp
listen to smw on apple music


EP 1: sleepmakeswaves - It's Here But I Have No Names For It - The Studio Diaries


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